David Arquette has admitted that he slept with actress and bartender Jasmine Waltz while he was married to Courteney Cox. The announcement of their separation came jointly in a press statement.

David Arquette Accepts To Have Slept With Jasmine While Married To Cox
Last Updated: 2010-10-13T11:13:35+05:30
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David Arquette Accepts To Have Slept With Jasmine While Married To Cox
Courteney Cox
Courteney Cox
American actor, David Arquette has accepted that he slept with bartender and actress Jasmine Waltz while he was married to Courteney Cox. The announcement came when the couple informed the media about their break-up.
Previously, it was speculated that David and Cox were getting separated because of the infidelity rumors surrounding their relationship, but David made the reasons clear for the split between him and Cox.

He also admitted to have slept with Jasmine and said, “I did have sex with her one time, maybe twice... my sexual encounter made me feel pretty manly.” The statement came when rumors questioned the infidelity aspects in the relationship of David and Cox.

He also mentioned that he hadn’t gotten physical with Cox for quite some time now and says, “It was Part of the terms of out separation was that I was allowed to see other people and so was she.”

David added, “We're not having sex, and I completely understand. She's an emotional being... If it doesn't feel right, she doesn't feel like bonding in that way.

"She's the greatest woman I've ever met... Now, yes, she's got her issues. She tries to take on everybody's problem. She tries to be the mother to everyone - that's why she doesn't want to be the mother to me anymore."


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