Julia Roberts recently announced that she has become a practicing Hindu and now it is reported that she wants to adopt an Indian child. The 42 years old actress already has 3 children.


Julia Roberts Adopting An Indian Child?
Last Updated: 2010-10-01T11:22:35+05:30
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Julia Roberts Adopting An Indian Child?
Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts
It is reported that Julia Roberts is keen to adopt a child from India as her fourth baby, she already has two twins and one more kid. The 42 years old actress has been practicing Hinduism for a long time.
Julia also shot some parts of her movie ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ In India, she got married 8 years back to her cameraman husband Danny Moder, the name of her twin children are Hazel and Finn and another kid is named Henry.
Julia had many complications in her last pregnancy and thus thinks that it is the ideal way to go forward with one more child.
A friend of her reveals, “Julia has wanted more children for years. But her past pregnancies were fraught with complications and she was forced into an extended hospital stay right before she had her twins. After all she has been through; she realizes that adoption is perhaps the best way forward.”
So, even Roberts is set to follow the footsteps of Angelina Jolie and Madonna and even contributing to the adoption of a needy child.

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