With the addition of Bags109.com, a sparkling new online shopping portal for bags, to the brand name that is Banyan Tree Infomedia LLP, not only has the bar been set high for the other leading e-media houses, but has given potential customers a bundle of options to make bag related purchases. Bags109 is part of the 109 chain that the company has created and follows the same philosophy as the rest of the 109 sites. This philosophy dictates that since radio frequencies end at 108 in India, the next step or going beyond others would require tuning into a higher frequency which happens to be 109 or Bags109! The portal aims to help you keep up with the industry trends and ensure that you are always well supplied with the latest fashion accessories.
Keeping up with the latest trends, Bags109.com hosts a collection of the finest quality of handbags, backpacks, wallets, office bags, travel bags, belts, sling bags, sports bags, kids’ bags and leather accessories. Utilizing the need for quick & safe online shopping, Bags109.com strives to offer nothing but the best quality at best prices, and at the same time offers enticing sales and discount schemes such as ‘Steal of the Day’, whereby a particular item is made up for grabs at the best discounted price, making every penny you spend worth double. Online shoppers can securely pay through different banks such as ICICI, HDFC, Axis Bank, Citi Bank and other options such as Itz Cash. Shopping for bags hasn’t been easier, or lighter on the pockets.
Visit www.bags109.com or call on +91 8971-211-550 for more information.