Apple, who wowed mobile users world over with its ground-breaking Apple iPhone 3G, is back with an updated version of the 3G called the 3GS.


Apple iPhone 3GS - First Look
Last Updated: 2009-06-27T14:56:19+05:30
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Apple iPhone 3GS
Apple iPhone 3GS
Apple, who wowed mobile users world over with its ground-breaking Apple iPhone 3G, is back with an updated version of the 3G called the 3GS.

It has been long since the iPhone was first released and in that time competitors have offered better solutions to 3G mobiles. At best this phone is in line with latest technology and nothing new.

To start with, the phone looks much like the older 3G but has more features included. It has more storage capacity, higher resolution, faster processor, better data speeds, stereo Bluetooth and a magnetometer to enable compass feature and improved battery life.

The phone lets you use the keyboard in the landscape keyboard layout which is easier to work with when using both hands. The keyboard can be used for any application on the phone. Another important feature is the cut and paste but which is a bit tedious to use.

The phone boasts of a smudge resistant screen that is really suspect because after several minutes of usage, you can see your fingerprints all over the screen.

The camera is provided with a 3 mega-pixel one which is great but with the lack of zoom and flash doesn’t impress much.

The phone comes with a new OS that has an inbuilt search function. This comes in handy if you store a lot of contacts, emails and bookmarks and need to search them quickly. It also features voice recording, video recording and MMS.

Apple has done a wonderful job of integrating MMS support, making the multimedia aspect fit in nicely with the threaded message system it uses for SMS.

The increased data speeds now support HSPA up to 7.2Mbps if you have good connectivity.
The only problem with the phone is that it tends to overheat. Some even reported that the phone heated to the point of the plastic getting discolored.

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