Leading actress Angelina Jolie has criticised US church's plan to burn the Holy book of Muslims, Koran to mark the anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks.


Angelina Jolie Joins The Chorus To Protest Terry Jones ‘Koran-Burning Rally’
Last Updated: 2010-09-09T12:43:23+05:30
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Angelina Jolie Joins The Chorus To Protest Terry Jones ‘Koran-Burning Rally’
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie
The idea of Pastor Terry Jones has not been welcomed by US and high profile figures are seriously protesting his ‘Koran-Burning Rally’. Even the Hollywood is no less in condemning the outrageous act of Jones as leading actress Angelina Jolie has criticised US church`s plan to burn the Holy book of Muslims, Koran to mark the anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks.
"I have hardly the words (to oppose the fact) that somebody would do that to somebody`s religious book," Jolie said.
The 35-year old beauty is in northwest Pakistan, the areas hit hardest by the flood to meet the victims.
When asked if she supports Terry Jones` idea to burn the holy book, she replied: "Of course not, of course not."
Meanwhile, pastor is adamant on his decision and has revealed that he will go ahead with his plans despite huge protest from all over the world.
The US embassy in Islamabad released a statement quoting that they protest Florida church`s Koran-Burning Rally on the anniversary of 9/11.
Stephen C Engelken, the charge d`affaires said, "We condemn acts that are disrespectful, intolerant and divisive. We are deeply concerned about all deliberate attempts to offend members of any religious or ethnic group.”
"We believe firmly in freedom of religion and freedom of expression; they are universal rights, enshrined in the US Constitution and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
“We reaffirm our position that the deliberate destruction of any holy book is an abhorrent act," he said.

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