Actress Rachel Bilson widely known for playing Summer Roberts on the prime time drama series The O.C has vowed never to go nude in films.


Rachel Bilson Stripping Vows Worries Directors
Last Updated: 2010-09-28T12:00:03+05:30
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Rachel Bilson Stripping Vows Worries Directors
Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson
Actress Rachel Bilson widely known for playing Summer Roberts on the prime time drama series The O.C has vowed never to go nude in films. The actress who made her film debut in the 2006 film The Last Kiss and starred in the 2008 action/sci-fi film Jumper insists that she is adamant on her decision never to strip in front of the camera.
Rachel, 29 further added that she believes that nudity can be avoided in movies if the directors want. She has been approached by many filmmakers who wanted her to peel off her clothes in their movies but the beauty refused to do so.
"They like to put in nudity wherever they can. But I`m pretty strong-willed and believe it can be avoided," Bilson was quoted as saying.
Meanwhile, the American actress who has dated Adam Brody, her co-star on The O.C and Hayden Christensen of ‘Jumper’ fame insisted that according to her filming love scene with boyfriend is more awkward then with a stranger.
"Doing a love scene with someone that you`re involved with is more awkward than doing a love scene with someone you`re not dating," she said.
"Either way, it`s definitely weird though. It`s certainly not normal to kiss a guy in front of 10 other guys and a camera," she added.

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