Hillary Clinton will be visiting Africa as a part of her seven-nation tour of Africa.


Hillary Clinton To Start Her Africa Tour Next Week
Last Updated: 2009-08-01T11:01:41+05:30
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Hillary Clinton To Start Her Africa Tour Next Week
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State is scheduled to visit South Africa next week as part of her seven-nation tour of Africa.
Clinton’s tour is slated to start on Aug 5 when she arrives in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital, to attend the 8th US-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum (AGOA Forum).
Her itinerary includes visit to South Africa, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Liberia and Cape Verde.
Clinton will meet former South African president Nelson Mandela, among others, when she visits the country Aug 6-9.
The US and South Africa will work jointly in the fields of technology, human resource development global peace, among others. She will also discuss the situation in Sudan, the Middle East and Palestine with the African leaders, Kelly said.

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