According to Hilary Clinton, India plays a vital role in helping the US achieve global food security and end hunger.


Global Food Security – India In A Vital Role
Last Updated: 2009-07-20T11:12:22+05:30
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Global Food Security – India In A Vital Role
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, on Sunday said that India is a key player in helping the US achieve global food security and end hunger.
"President Obama and I had a signature issue - food security and ending hunger. India is well placed to help us (achieve it)," Clinton said at the National Agricultural Science Centre that is part of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in New Delhi.
"The problem of chronic hunger and malnutrition is a huge issue. (Currently) one billion people are hungry in the world. It can undermine peace and instability can follow. We believe that world has the resources to feed all people.
"I am delighted to be in this prestigious institute and partner India in agriculture. India's experience in agriculture is unsurpassable. With only 3% of the land area, it feeds 17% of (global) people. India's leadership is crucial," she added  She said the US administration is happy to partner India in agriculture.
"Agriculture is a pillar of our five pillar discussion (with India). We want to expand our partnership to produce better seeds, grains, farm technology. There is no limit to new explorations in agriculture with India. I am committed to this effort," Clinton said while alluding to the US role in spurring a green revolution in India in the 1960s that was marked by the introduction of high-yield seed varieties leading to enhanced farm productivity.
She said bio-energy, bio-security, bio-diversity are key areas. The effort is to "end hunger". She also said that India can play a great role in food processing industry.

More news on:   • India-US   • International Relations   • Hillary Clinton  

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