Everyone must be able to share their tryst with cameras on their favourite social networking sites, right? Equality is what the internet and the social networking sites stand for. Then why should a click and share camera be too much for the common man to afford? This could probably be the logic behind Kodak coming up with the Easyshare C180, which a budget point and shoot camera, which is meant for sharing of pictures. This camera comes with a resolution of 10.2mp and a zoom range of 3x.
Design and FunctioningThough it doesn’t go the ultra slim route that a lot of camera makers opt for, its design isn’t something that can be disregarded. Its design is simple and it comes in very vibrant and youthful colours like Turquoise, Cyan, Baby Pink and Devil’s Red apart from Metallic Silver and Midnight Black. It is touted as one rare compact camera that is capable of rendering pictures that can be blown up to any size without loss in clarity. Instead of opting for the Image Stabilization, it gives us the Blur Reduction, which is digital rather than optical. For taking great shots of friends and family, Face Detection locates faces and automatically adjusts camera settings. Since it is a click and share camera it provides the facility of on-camera text tagging and multi-field search. You can also view your pictures one after the other on the Slideshow mode. It contains 16MB of internal memory and is compatible with SD/SDHC cards.