
Horoscope 2011

Virgo Monthly Love Relationship Horoscope/Forecast for September 2010

Astrology: Virgo Horoscope for September 2010


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Virgo Horoscope for September 2010

To wither away the rough time at work you will have to devote much of your time in planning & decision-making. Chances of your promotion with an important position in the hierarchy are also high. You need to be careful as someone might try to flatter or flirt to enjoy your company. Therefore it would be in your interest to ignore these kinds of advances. Teenagers might find it a little difficult to restrain them from falling in love this month. If possible, choose an exercising activity that will make your heart and lungs function and perform well. This would enable you to keep fit and keep the health problems at bay.  
Lucky Color: Golden
Lucky Number: 5

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