
Horoscope 2011

Virgo Sun Sign Monthly Love Relationship Horoscope/Forecast for March 2011

Astrology: Virgo Horoscope for March 2011


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Virgo Horoscope for March 2011

Your creativity will amaze people around you as well as enhance career prospects. You will be in the mood to celebrate your success with family and friends this month as they are the ones who will truly appreciate and cherish your each successful venture. Investment in stocks & mutual funds would help in earning profits. Middle of the month will be highly beneficial for the investments. The company of love partner makes you forget about the work pressure. Your energy level will be high; make sure you invest some of this energy in your love life as well. Travel plans for better communication will be helpful in opening new horizons. Plans for commercial loans might be postponed for some time. You might find it difficult toyou’re your thoughts for that matter to proper use.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Lavender

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