
Horoscope 2011

The love match between a Taurus and a Capricorn will be blessed with great compatibility. Check out Capricorn-Taurus relationship.

Astrology: Taurus and Capricorn


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Taurus and Capricorn

The love match between a Taurus and a Capricorn would lead to a jackpot for both the individuals. The duo has high regard for money and quality. They will be compatible all the other spheres of life. Security conscious, both the Bull and the Goat take life very seriously. Taurus will be in awe of the practical attitude and perseverance of the Goat. On the other hand, the latter would admire the strong-willed and determined nature of the Bull. Insecurity would never creep into this relationship of the two, as both will remain loyal and devoted to each other.
All a Taurean wants is to be safe and secure, with homely comforts at his side. The Capricorn would readily provide all this, as he gets the rewards and recognition which he works for. Regardless of so many positive aspects, there is one major depressing fact about the relationship - the twosome is too serious to enjoy life. They would miss on all the fun, trying to make it big each time. They do not believe in superficial pleasures, which is sure to make life dull and boring. Apart from this, the couple excels in compatibility levels and would share a great rapport with each other.
Taurus Man & Capricorn Woman
The duo of a Taurus male and a Capricorn female would strike an instant rapport and end up sharing a long-lasting relationship. Both the Bull and the Goat would feel secure in each other’s presence and would share mutual trust and affection. On all the fronts - be it monetary or romantic, emotional or physical, they will complement each other. The couple would bask in the glory of love and would always be there for each other. Both of them exude positive vibes and, needless to say, would have an enthralling time with each other.
Taurus Woman & Capricorn Man
There is a great chemistry underlying the love match between a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man. The duo has just the right traits to have a successful relationship. Loyalty, dedication and trust will be there in this relationship, that too at the greatest levels. A Taurean female craves for the security, which the Capricorn male would more than readily provide. For him, she would also be the most important part of his life. The high-spirited Taurus woman might be able to bring the element of fun and frolic in the relationship, if she realizes that life is getting too boring. A few hiccups on the way, but the relationship has a bright future.

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