Horoscope 2011

Read about overall personality of Aries individuals including traits and characteristics.

Astrology: Aries: Aries Traits

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Aries Traits

Ruled by the planet Mars, Aries individuals are exploratory in nature. Talking about their characteristics, they are born leaders who love their freedom. They have a candid nature and are quite affectionate. Arians are very expressive, outspoken, alert, quick to make decisions and generous in nature. They are not afraid of challenges and are always glowing with energy. A significant characteristic of Aries individuals is that they are self-dependant and ambitious in nature.
Impatience and restless, an Aries is quick tempered and can get offended easily. He can also harbor resentment against people who hurt him. However, his temper is short-lived and he cool down as quickly as he gets angry. Aries are more concerned about their own self - right from being self reliant to self centered. Arians hate to be subordinate to people and fare well only when they are their own boss. Their courageous and hard-working nature is their key to their success.
Aries individuals are also known to have a headstrong personality. They are regarded as champions, who can change any lost cause into a winning streak. They are brave and always ready to fight for a good cause. Arians have both, moral and physical courage to fight against unfair and unjust situations. They have great chance of receiving honor, fame and fortune, sooner or later. They need to be careful in terms of money, as they are capable of incurring extravagant purchases.

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